Better Heat Management with Thermal Insulation for the Racing Industry
In racing, there is always balance that must be met: the most power and speed you can produce while running at peak efficiency. But with increased speed comes increased heat which can lead to safety issues from blown engines to heat exhaustion. OCTI can design custom-fit solutions to your specifications for the key components of racing cars that will allow your engine to perform at the highest efficiency safely while not losing any power or speed.
Whether you need to have the turbo covered, exhaust system wrapped, or a heat shield to protect the driver, OCTI has the solution you are looking for.
Solutions & Applications
Turbo blankets provide thermal insulation on race cars to allow them to run hotter which will increase speed. Additionally, race cars can get up to 130 degrees in the driver’s seat. Thermal insulation blankest can reduce cockpit temperatures to below 100 degrees, lessening driver fatigue and making the space more comfortable.
Covering key pieces of equipment with custom heat shields can boost power by allowing components to operate at a higher level. Heat shields protect equipment by absorbing or reflecting heat effectively.